The greatest peace of mind for the user is knowing that, behind the technology, there are specialized people to provide assistance.

We offer our team certified training International Organization for Standardization with ISO 22320 standards for emergency management and resolution.

What is an ISO Standard?

ISO standards are a set of standards aimed at ordering the management of a company in its different areas. The high international competition accentuated by the globalizing processes of the economy and the market and the power and importance that the figure and the opinion of consumers have taken on, has led to these standards, despite their voluntary nature, having gained great popularity. international recognition and acceptance.

Who establishes an ISO Standard?

ISO standards are established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), and are made up of standards and guides related to specific management systems and tools applicable to any type of organization.
ISO standards have been developed and adopted by a multitude of companies in many countries due to a need and desire to standardize the characteristics and quality and safety parameters of products and services.

What is ISO 22320 Emergency Management System?

The UNE ISO 22320 Emergency Management Standard is part of the ISO group in the field of risk and security management, which are Standards and systems developed in order to avoid or minimize the different risks related to different threats.

The UNE ISO 22320 Emergency Management Standard consists of an international standard, created to establish quality standards regarding the response of an organization to emergencies.

The ISO Standard pursues the objective of developing and improving capacities in emergency response, either:




Activity interruptions


It must guarantee the veracity of the information found in information and data management processes, minimize communication failures within the organization and between it and other parties involved, assuming good management of the available resources.

In order to meet these objectives, a series of requirements are established that any company that wants to apply for certification must comply with and take them into consideration within all areas of the organization. These minimum requirements ensure effective response to emergencies and a pre-established minimum quality.

Dr. Security and ISO 22320:2011

Emergency Management and Incident Response System

TeleMedik Assistance Technologies has developed and implemented protocols and qualified care processes in order to offer a service focused on excellence.
International Standard for Emergency Management Systems and Incident Response that allows us to develop and improve our response capabilities for all types of emergencies and of any dimension. We are certified ensuring our ability to manage emergencies and respond to all types of incidents, ensuring the quality of service with the highest standards and good practices in emergency management and incident response.
This certification ensures the quality of both operational, functional, technical and software processes as well as training, guaranteeing maximum customer satisfaction.

We have certified our alarm management system, application, operations and processes, as well as training.

The certification body is LRQA (Lloyd's). Lloyds is UKAS accredited.

Maintenance and Renewal of the Certificate

Once the ISO Certificate has been obtained, TeleMedik Assistance Technologies will continue to check that the required standards are applied and in the same way the external certifier will carry out annual monitoring and a global review every 3 years.

For this reason, it is necessary to continuously maintain it, which consists of making sure that the required quality is maintained and that ISO 22320 continues to be applied during all the areas that participate in the management of an emergency.

Development of an emergency


Prior assessment of the risks that the organization may suffer.

Emergency start

The measures fail: start of action protocols contemplated, according to emergency.

Emergency development

Emergency detection and activation of the command and control process: operational information, coordination and cooperation.

End of emergency

Organizational resources, activation of recovery plans and return to normality.


Control of the quality of the service offered, constant updating of improvements and solved errors.

Implementation of Dr. Security in other Alert Receiving Centers and extension of the ISO

TeleMedik Assistance Technologies has developed a personal Emergency Management System for all those Alert Receiving Centers that are linked to the organization and want to offer the highest quality within the processes and systems that occur during an emergency managed with Dr. Security.

The system developed by the organization seeks to offer response to incidents and help to focus, organize and systematize those DrS processes that are necessary to deal with an emergency situation.
TeleMedik Assistance Technologies, through ISO 22320, provides organizational, structural, training and control resources so that the CRAs’ emergency response is effective and meets quality standards.

Technological requirements of the Alert Receiving Center

Document management of the quality system

Accompaniment in the implementation of documents, methodologies and procedures

System analysis and evaluation

ISO certification by the certifying company

Dr. Security begins with document management so that TeleMedik Assistance Technologies provides the base documents for each CRA to complete with their information and details.

They are documents that guide and organize the company, accompanying coordination and a predetermined management structure.

There are a series of indicators that have the function of controlling that the pre-established quality is met. Its objective is to detect deviations in quality to give notice in time to be solved.

At the end of the period of management and implementation of the content of the documents, the Alert Receiving Centers (CRAs) must carry out a follow-up and control by TeleMedik Asistente Technologies to determine that the CRA meets the established requirements and is ready for certification. official.

The external certifying company will carry out an evaluation of the application of the ISO in the Fin Receiving Center (CRA) to provide the CRA with the ISO Certification.