Privacy Policy


Through this website (WWW.TELEMEDIKASSISTANCE.COM), personal data necessary for the management and maintenance of some of our services is collected.

We inform you that THE OWNER OF THE WEBSITE (Data Controller) complies with Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights (hereinafter, LOPDGDD), EU Regulation 2016/679, on Data Protection (hereinafter, GDPR) and other current regulations applicable at all times, ensuring the correct use and treatment of the user’s personal data.

In accordance with Article 13 of the GDPR and Article 11 of the LOPDGDD, this Privacy Policy applies to the processing of personal data carried out by TELEMEDIK ASSISTANCE TECHNOLOGIES ESPAÑA, S.L., as Data Controller, in relation to the data provided by users and/or clients (natural persons) as a result of requesting information and/or contracting the services and/or products offered and marketed through its website or collected in any of the sections of the website.


  • Address: C/ LORENA, 77 LOCAL 6 – 08042 BARCELONA
  • VAT Number: B16758401
  • Data Protection Officer (DPO): SIB TRAINING, S.L.U., for more information contact through our website:


Your personal data will be used for the general purpose of managing and controlling the established commercial relationship and specifically for:

  • Managing full access and correct use of the services and/or products by users.
  • Communicating with users in response to incidents, requests, comments, and questions made through the services and/or products, as well as through the contact forms on our website (including emails and/or phone calls).
  • Providing, updating, maintaining, and protecting services and/or products and activities.
  • Offering new services and/or products, special offers, or updates.
  • If applicable, managing personnel selection processes in worker and/or collaborator selection processes.
  • Communications: We may send you emails, messages, and other types of communication regarding services and/or products, technical issues, and changes in them. These communications are considered part of the services and/or products and cannot be waived.
  • If applicable, Commercial Communications (Marketing): We may use your data to contact you, both electronically and non-electronically, to conduct surveys, obtain your opinion on the service provided, and occasionally to notify you of changes, important developments in services and/or products, offers and/or promotions of our services and/or products or third-party companies related to us. These commercial offers will always be expressly and separately authorized by the user who may revoke their consent to receive these notifications at any time using the mechanism implemented for this purpose in them, or from the preferences of the customer account.

We will not process your personal data for any other purpose beyond those described above unless required by law or there is a judicial requirement.


The personal data provided will be kept and processed for as long as the provision of services and/or products relationship is maintained, without prejudice to the possibility of exercising your rights regarding data protection (access, rectification, deletion, opposition, limitation, portability, and not being subject to automated individual decisions) and during the applicable legal limitation periods. In this case, your data will be processed solely for the purpose of proving compliance with the legal or contractual obligations of the Data Controller.

After these limitation periods have expired, your data will be deleted or alternatively anonymized.


TELEMEDIK ASSISTANCE TECHNOLOGIES ESPAÑA, S.L. processes your personal data in accordance with the following legal bases: Consent of the data subject (1), legitimate interest (2), performance of a contract (3), and compliance with a legal obligation applicable to the Data Controller (4).
1. Consent of the data subject provided for the purposes described above, which will be requested:
• In the customer registration process or on the website or through the corporate email indicated on the website, in order to adequately address user queries and requests.
• At the time of sending communications from TELEMEDIK ASSISTANCE TECHNOLOGIES ESPAÑA, S.L..
Requests for information that you send us require you to voluntarily and freely provide us with the necessary data to assist you. However, you may freely refuse to provide this data or subsequently revoke the previously granted consent to process your data, although such refusal will imply the impossibility of us being able to attend to your request.
The Data Controller will send commercial communications to users who have registered on the website and have given their consent for this.
2. The Legitimate Interest of TELEMEDIK ASSISTANCE TECHNOLOGIES ESPAÑA, S.L. in maintaining and retaining its customers and/or users and better meeting their previously expressed expectations or interests, e.g., improving products, managing requests, queries or complaints, offering products similar to those contracted, informing about promotions, etc., without prejudice to compliance by TELEMEDIK ASSISTANCE TECHNOLOGIES ESPAÑA, S.L. with the rest of the obligations regarding the sending of commercial communications by electronic means.
3. Contractual performance between TELEMEDIK ASSISTANCE TECHNOLOGIES ESPAÑA, S.L. and the user, processing the data that the user voluntarily provides to the Data Controller through the website, in order to manage and provide the requested and/or contracted products and/or services, payment, billing, and shipments.
4. Compliance with legal obligations applicable to the Data Controller. TELEMEDIK ASSISTANCE TECHNOLOGIES ESPAÑA, S.L. understands that by providing us with this data, the data subject guarantees and is responsible for the truthfulness, currency, and accuracy of the data and expressly accepts and consents to its processing for the purposes described above.


As a general rule, TELEMEDIK ASSISTANCE TECHNOLOGIES ESPAÑA, S.L. will not transfer your personal data to third parties unless we are legally obliged to do so or to meet the purposes of the processing.

TELEMEDIK ASSISTANCE TECHNOLOGIES ESPAÑA, S.L. will not make international transfers of personal data collected through this website, except in the following cases:

  • When the international transfer of data is necessary for the performance of a contract or pre-contractual measures in which the data subject is involved.
  • When the international transfer of data is necessary due to the application of current legislation.
  • When the international transfer of data takes place with the express consent of the data subject.
  • When the international transfer of data takes place because the website is hosted on servers located outside the European Economic Area.

In any case, in cases where international transfers of data may occur, TELEMEDIK ASSISTANCE TECHNOLOGIES ESPAÑA, S.L. will verify that the importing country of the data guarantees an adequate level of protection in application of current regulations.


Data protection regulations allow you to exercise your rights of access, rectification, opposition, deletion