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Access contract history

The contract history is a purely informative section where you can view a report of contracts managed within the platform.

To access this section, you must click on the Contract History button located in the top menu of the platform:

You will access a table that reports all the contracts managed from the platform, from when it was started to the present:

On the one side, it shows the number of contracts that have been managed in total:

On the other side, each row of the table refers to a contract and includes the following information, by columns:

  • Contract: Unique numeric identifier of the contract, automatically generated by the system when a contract is started.
  • User: Refers to your unique identification number as a Dr. Security client. It is automatically generated by the system when your user account is generated on the platform.
  • Name: Name and surname of the user to whom the contract belongs.
  • Start date: Contract start date.
  • End date: Contract end date.
  • Contract Type: Refers to the type of contract made on the emergency system. You must check Collective. It is generated automatically by the system.
  • CRA: Refers to the Alert Receiving Center associated with the user’s contract and which will be in charge of responding to an emergency. It is generated automatically by the system.
  • Collective: Unique numerical identifier of the collective to which the user belongs. It is automatically generated by the system during the creation of a collective.
  • Collective name: Name associated with the group to which the user belongs during the creation of a collective.

It is worth mentioning that the list shows a total of 100 contracts per page. If there is a larger quantity, you can access them by selecting the following button or directly selecting the page number you want to access, from the pagination icons found at the end of the list.